Articles by Paul Treschow

Paul Treschow

Paul Treschow is a humanities teacher at Vancouver College in Vancouver, BC and attends St. Peter's Fireside Anglican Church. He previously completed an MLitt in Theology and the Arts at the University of St Andrews.


Book Review: “Images of Pilgrimage”

Images of Pilgrimage: Paradise and Wilderness in Christian Spirituality. By R. D. Crouse. London, UK: Darton, Longman, and Todd Ltd. 96 pp. $24.99 CAD (paper). Christian thinkers past and present have often considered our relationship with place—the lands and cities that we dwell or sojourn in. Often, these considerations reflect larger theological questions: Are our…

Review: Orthodox Anglican Identity by Charles Erlandson

Orthodox Anglican Identity: The Quest for Unity in a Diverse Religious Tradition. By Charles Erlandson. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2020. 204 pp. $47 (hardcover); $26 (paperback) When I first heard about Charles Erlandson’s Orthodox Anglican Identity, I assumed that the purpose of the book would be to define the precise limits of orthodox Anglicanism,…

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