Articles by Paul Edgerton

Paul Edgerton

Fr. Paul C. Edgerton is the planting vicar of The Church of the Redeemer in Wilson, North Carolina, a parish of the Reformed Episcopal Church (ACNA). A bi-vocational pastor, he has taught in the public school system for nearly two decades. Fr. Edgerton has had the privilege to study at Cranmer Theological House and the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies and writes for RedeemerSongs. His wife Christie and his three crazy children keep him laughing.


“Children of God?”

Recently, Pope Francis gave an interview with the Associated Press that garnered headlines around the world.1 He asserted that, while homosexuality is a sin, it is not a crime and should not be prosecuted as such. Some folks were happy that Francis said homosexuality was not a crime but unhappy that he said it was…


Christmas and Commandments

By the time a reader comes to this article, their Christmas worship plans will already have been made or will have already been carried out. So, I am not going to remonstrate anyone for how many Christmas services they consider essential to the celebration of Christmas or what calendar days they occupy. My concern is…


There Should Never Have Been Three Streams

It has become commonplace among many North American Anglicans to classify themselves as for or against the language of “Three Streams, One River.” Not long ago in this very journal we read, from Dr. Gillis Harp, a very good critique of the increasingly popular notion that within the Anglican renewal three valid “streams” of Christian…

A Thanksgiving for the Things We Have Always Done

I grew up in a church that prized its ability to change. We regularly tried new music styles. We tried new fellowship formats and formation methods. We tried new service formats. Change was good. And as I saw other congregations of our denomination shrinking and dying in the 90s while clinging to the same songs…

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