Articles by Fr Justin Clemente

Fr Justin Clemente

Fr. Justin serves as Associate Pastor to the people of Holy Cross Cathedral in Loganville, GA. He was ordained a deacon in December 2015 and as a priest June 2016. In terms of pastoral credentials, he wants you to know he has never owned a pair of skinny jeans. Justin earned his B.A. in Biblical Studies at Trinity College of Florida and earned a Master of Worship Studies from the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies. He has a supportive and strong homemaking wife (Brooke) of twenty years and six beautiful children (Lucy, Forrest, Copeland, Crosby, Theodore & Clive). If he’s not in church, with his family, or reading, then he is definitely fishing.


The Sanctus: Bigger on the Inside

O how sweetly the voices resound there when all the Holy Ones sing the praises of God saying: sanctus Thus we also praise the Lord on earth whom the holy angels praise in the highest saying: sanctus You alone make clean from unclean cleanse us, as long as we are in the world because you…


Beauty You Can Afford: Singing the Psalms to Simplified Anglican Chant

My family will happily tell you that I have a thing for Panetonne, that wonderful Italian Christmas bread that seems to be gaining popularity in the States. And let me tell you: looks can be deceiving. At first sight, it doesn’t really look that good. It’s not quite cake. It’s not quite bread. Am I…


“Vain Repetitions”? Light from the New Testament Background

In the evangelical Bible college I graduated from, I once heard a professor of mine advocate that Jesus did not mean for us to pray the Lord’s Prayer, but only to pray “like” the Lord’s Prayer. I, for myself, do not believe that Jesus intended anything so difficult! Sometimes we try to be more spiritual…

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