Articles by Joshua S. Fullman

Joshua S. Fullman

Joshua S. Fullman is Professor of English and Director of the Writing Center at California Baptist University. His poems have appeared in The North American Anglican, among other publications. His debut book of poetry, Voices of Iona (2022), is available through Resource Publications.


First Wednesday

One step down, my back turned against pear grovesAs the perfume of orange blossoms driftsOn the breeze, mixed memoirs of when we cloveTightly to each other. An anchor lifts,But casually, skirting the floor and primedTo fall in the wake of first resistance,And I don’t know if its weight is mineOr yours; I know only these…


Book Review: “Saint Thomas and the Forbidden Birds”

Saint Thomas and the Forbidden Birds. By James Matthew Wilson. Grove Village, IL: Word on Fire, 2024. 128 pp. $24.99 (hardcover). The current state of poetry in our day is marked by its unanchored and erratic character. As an art form, poetry stands isolated like an unfamiliar relative at the family reunion. We do not…


Book Review: “House of 49 Doors”

House of 49 Doors: Entries in a Life. By Laurie Klein. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2024. 114 pp. $14.00 (paper). The prospect of entering a house ranged with 49 doors might seem perplexing, if not daunting, to the most intrepid explorer. One may expect that these primary architectural markers imply a grandiose construction that will…


Book Review: “Wading through Lethe”

Wading through Lethe. By Paulette Guerin. Athens, GA: FutureCycle Press, 2022. 84 pp. $15.95 (paper). Greek mythology held that the waters of five distinct rivers ran through the bowels of the underworld. That Paulette Guerin has chosen as her theme the river of Lethe—forgetfulness— illustrates how pervasive has been the Christianization of paganism in the…


A Midwinter Song

The chaste moon cackles over fields of white and pours its pregnant wrath upon a black crepe sky where seems the sun will never rise nor fill its run on this, the longest night. Beneath her blushing falseness tramps a lone and lonely hireling; bit with frost in callouses and cuts, near lost to winter’s…

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