Articles by Joffre Swait

Joffre Swait

Joffre Swait, also known as Joffre the Giant, lives in Idaho with his wife and five children. He is the author of two poetry collections, Well Met: Poems of Companionship, and Made In the Image: Plain Poems, and is co-author of Christian Pipe-Smoking: an Introduction to Holy Incense. Joffre has a deep love for the poetry of the West, and is more ambivalent about the Norman invasion than Tolkien was.


Surface Beauty/Analogia Entis

Alia claritas solis, alia claritas lunae, et alia claritas stellarum. stella enim a stella differt in claritate. It’s not a dropdripped deep in each,nor yet a gemset ¡there! with care.It’s in the air,everywheretinted on skins,splashed and slathered,it’s visible to every eye. It shines out light,sparkless, at dark.Goes forth sourceless,but it angelsevery angle,ubiquitous,too thick to flicker,expressed…

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