Articles by Jeremy Goodwin

Jeremy Goodwin

Jeremy Goodwin has been a Confirmed Anglican for 2.5 years. He is 34 years old, married to a wonderful wife, and father of a son named Daniel, who went home to the Lord three years ago. Jeremy is a sailor in the Navy's Nuclear Power Program and work as a Nuclear Reactor Operator and supervisor. In his free time he reads the theological literature of our esteemed Anglican Divines and seeks to help others engage in Anglican Ressourcement.


This Thy Table: The Anglican Doctrine of the Lord’s Supper

One of the hottest debated questions among Anglicans is the doctrine of the Eucharist, or, as the Articles of Religion refer to it, the Lord’s Supper. When I began investigating the Anglican tradition, what I discovered sent me down a path of reformation and renewal. Rather than looking to the Lutherans, Eastern Orthodox, or Roman…

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