Articles by Jared Lovell

Jared Lovell

Jared Lovell is a deacon in the Reformed Episcopal Church serving Grace RE Church in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Jared is a classical educator, teaching European and American history at Memoria Press Online Academy, and is a teaching fellow at the Wayside School.


Till Death Do You Part: A Case for the Permanency and Indissolubility of Marriage

There may be no greater issue plaguing the church and impeding its witness today than its inconsistent and unclear teaching on the issue of divorce and remarriage. At first glance this might seem like an overstatement. However, if one considers the theological roots of this issue and how they branch out and underlie many other…


Walking as Wise: Knowing the Way of Christ by Walking in the Way of Christ

Beginning with the scientific revolution in the sixteenth century and continuing through the Enlightenment of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, that which was deemed knowable or worthy of being known, was limited to that which was empirically verifiable or rationally deducible from certain premises about the laws of nature. Outside of this narrow definition of…


Give the King Thy Judgments, O LORD (Part II)

In the previous post, we looked at the context in which Constantine ruled by highlighting the significant events of his rise and reign.  Constantine’s Reforms Having set out the events that shaped Constantine’s historical context, the reforms and policies of his reign must be considered in this light. First, Constantine made reforms in the law…


Here I Stand: The Promise and Peril of ‘Sola Scriptura’

One of the fundamental theological convictions to emanate from the Protestant Reformation was the doctrine of sola scriptura. As defined and defended by the magisterial Reformers and several generations of their ideological heirs, this term affirmed that Holy Scripture was the only infallible authority for life and doctrine. Roman Catholics rejected this doctrine completely, affirming…


Redeeming Monasticism for Modern Protestants

One of the most remarkable institutions to develop in the Middle Ages was Monasticism. After the Edict of Milan issued by Constantine in 314 A.D., Christianity was recognized as a legal religion in the Roman Empire. By 380 A.D., Christianity became the official religion of the empire due to the Edict of Thessalonica issued by…


The Reformers on Civil Government

Legitimate discourse on the role of the civil magistrate in modern life is range bound between classical liberalism on the political right and progressive liberalism on the political left. The two sides of the liberal coin hold to different perspectives on the role of government in society but share a common telos in what they…


Canon Law and the Ecclesiastical Leviathan

In his classic 1987 book Crisis and Leviathan, economic historian Robert Higgs convincingly argued that the vast growth in the size and scope of the American government over the course of the twentieth century was due primarily to government actions taken in response to national emergencies. Higgs identifies critical events such as the Great Depression,…


Exchanging Two Swords for Two Kingdoms

Reforming the Bright Ages   Social historian R.W. Southern defined the Middle Ages as “the period in Western European history when the church could reasonably claim to be the one true state, and when men acted on the assumption that the church had an overriding political authority.”[1] For most moderns, the Middle Ages provide a…

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