Articles by David Cameron

David Cameron is a Scottish poet, living in Ireland. In 2014 he received the Hennessy Literary Award for Poetry. His poems are collected in The Bright Tethers: Poems 1988-2016 (Rune Press). His published work also includes three books of fiction and the critical study, Samuel Beckett: The Middle and Later Years.


Me once: slumped in a deckchair out the back, Reading a wholesome Reader’s Digest book Which told the story of Heinrich Schliemann Gazing upon the face of Agamemnon – Only, he hadn’t; his discovery Went further back than that. My own history Had its funeral mask – hardly gold, rather The skin over the cheekbones…

From Solitude

A mother to her daughter Gazing out over the water: ‘Back up you come, honey.’ I would not be without The love that puts paid to doubt For lust nor money. My sense of you is thorough As church bells rouse Hillsborough And the children play – Like the sudden certitude That saved us from…

(c) 2024 North American Anglican
