Articles by Cole Simmons

Cole Simmons

Cole Simmons teaches high school literature and rhetoric at Redeemer Classical School, in McGaheysville VA. He earned his doctorate from the Institute of Philosophic Studies at the University of Dallas. He is a member of the Anglican Church in North America and worships at The Church of the Lamb, in Penn Laird VA.


Egalitarian Christianity is Incoherent

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Simmons: Confronting Witt's "Icons of Christ"

Conclusion of The Debate This is the final (planned) essay in my series on William G. Witt’s book promoting the ordination of women, Icons of Christ. In the first essay, I showed how those wishing to maintain a “male only” priesthood could read the book of Genesis, not necessarily as a book requiring the exclusion…


The Priestess Question, and other Evils of “Christological Subversion”

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Simmons: Confronting Witt's "Icons of Christ"

Witt Responds Witt responded to my first essay in this series. In response to earlier criticisms of his book, Witt announced that there were “key chapters” untouched by those criticisms. Now, in response to my first essay, he has announced I didn’t address his “key point.” A recent reviewer claims to have read this essay:…


The Only Security

Seeking a Definition Whether times are tumultuous or calm, Christians must ask what it means to be a Christian. In tumultuous times such as these, the question certainly feels more urgent. The assertion that Christians do not have to hold to traditional moral standards is a tacit redefinition of what it means to be a…

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