Articles by The Rev’d Charles A. Collins, Jr.

The Rev’d Charles A. Collins, Jr.

The Rev’d Charles A. Collins, Jr., is Rector of St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, a Reformed Episcopal parish in Savannah, Georgia, and is currently a Doctor of Ministry student at Erskine Theological Seminary in Due West, South Carolina.

brown wooden church bench near white painted wall

Brothers (and Sisters), We Ought Not Be Congregationalists

In a recent Twitter/X (whatever it’s properly referred to these days) post Jeff Walton, Anglican Program Director at the Institute for Religion and Democracy, wrote: Many fail to realize that the ACNA is functionally a congregationalist denomination where the laity rarely see beyond their local parish, aside from the yearly episcopal visitation. Few are engaged…


Mere Localism

I love a good theological conference, and my favorite among those that I have attended through the years has been Mere Anglicanism, an annual (most years) gathering held in Charleston, South Carolina, each January. Mere Anglicanism was previously known as SEAD, which stood for either Scholarly Engagement With Anglican Doctrine or Society for Ecumenical Anglican…

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