Articles by Cal Crucis

A man asking the questions. Interests in patristics, continental philosophy, early modern history (with a focus on Britain). Long live the Keswick Movement. Blog: Podcast:


Book Review: “On Laudianism”

Review: Peter Lake, On Laudianism (Cambridge University Press, 2023) The nature of the Church of England is an existential question to many Anglicans who study its history. Thus it’s often necessary to take an anatomical approach to formative periods that are often shrouded in pious myth and sentiment. Laudianism is no different, which has suffered…


The Hope of Evangelical Union: The Telos of Anglicanism

In early America, flush with the chaos and wonder of the Great Awakenings, there was a creeping hope (as absurd as it is retrospectively) in the Episcopal church. Bishops and laity embraced this Evangelical tide in its best forms. Its hierarchy, historical rootedness, formal liturgy, and irenic Reformed disposition made the Episcopal church appear as…


Bishop William White: Anglican Patriot

Piety, Freedom, and the American Revolution in the Ecclesiology of Bishop William White Often, for American Anglicans, there is an awkward disjuncture between their faith and history. Despite the fact that the Episcopal Church has had a strong presence in American history, the rationale to become or remain an Anglican has increasingly evaporated. Often the…

Passive Obedience, Non-Jurors, and the Spiritual Autonomy of the Church

In morality the eternal rules of action have the same immutable universal truth with propositions in geometry. Neither of them depends on circumstances or accidents, being at all times and in all places, without limitation or exception, true. ‘Thou shalt not resist the supreme civil power’ is no less constant and unalterable a rule, for…

Benjamin Hoadly: Heir to Richard Hooker

Benjamin Hoadly, most infamous as bishop of Bangor, is punished. Touted as the symbol of the spiritual dearth that was the Augustan church, High Churchmen and Evangelicals excoriated the supposedly “Latitudinarian” (read: rationalist or modernist) captivity of the Church. Ministers worried about hobbies and tithes, reduced to employees of the Parliamentary Leviathan, the Hanoverian episcopal…

What Do We Mean By Sola Scriptura?

A key vector in online apologetics is the role of Scripture in Protestant theology. Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox partisans will gleefully point out that while Scripture may be infallible, its canon is not. In other words, an infallible Scripture has a fallible canon. The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate that this is…


“My Kingdom is not of this world”: A Critique of Cardinal Newman’s Development of Doctrine

Among many self-professed traditionalists and apologists, the newly sainted Cardinal Newman is the fount for their rhetoric and argument. Often considered unassailable against “Protestantism,” Newman’s ghost haunts many well-read and historically aware Protestants. His oft-repeated quip “to be deep in history is to cease to be Protestant” often leaves the non-Roman (or, nowadays, non-Orthodox) a…

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