Articles by Deaconess Teresa Johnson

Deaconess Teresa Johnson grew up as a Baptist but has been an Anglican since 1991 and a Deaconess since 2003. She has a B.A. and M.A. in English from The University of Memphis and an M.A.R. from Cranmer Theological house. To support her temporal life, she has worked as a technical writer, English instructor, systems analyst, and software test engineer. To support her spiritual life, she writes poetry and other reflections on the Scriptures. She blogs at



The dove surveyed the vast expanse of sea, Yet found no branch on which to rest her feet. The world lay dead, covered in water thoroughly, Until God’s solemn judgment was complete. Then she, by bringing back one olive leaf, Preached grace and mercy as the floods withdrew. At God’s word, Noah stepped out in…

(c) 2024 North American Anglican
