Articles by Rev. Andrew Brashier

Rev. Andrew Brashier

Rev. Andrew Brashier serves as the Rector of Anglican Church of the Good Shepherd in Pelham, Alabama. and is an Archdeacon overseeing the Parish and Missions Deanery in the Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy. He writes regularly about ministry, family worship, daily prayer, book reviews, family oratories and the impact they can have in reigniting Anglicanism, and the occasional poem at He recently republished Bishop John Jewel's Treatises on the Holy Scriptures and Sacraments ( The second edition of his first book, A Faith for Generations, is now available at Amazon ( and focuses on family devotions and private prayer in the Anglican tradition.


Ruling, Reigning, Returning – Ascension Day

When Christ lives, dies, rises, and ascends, He does so for us, for you.  

Jesus never sheds His humanity. To this day, He is fully God and fully man. He is the only One who possesses the resurrected and renewed body awaiting the renewed creation. And by virtue of what He has accomplished for us, He brings humanity into the heavenly realm. He walks – yes physically walks – in the resurrected body in the heavenly realm. He walks into the heavenly temple, the true temple, and He brings Himself, the perfect sacrifice, into the true temple of God, not the temporary man-made temple.


The Boundaries of the Parish

Rogationtide rolls over us. An ancient call and reminder for us “to ask” (rogare in Latin, from which we derive the word, “Rogation”). Or as our Lord tells us, “Ask and it shall be given you.” (Matthew 7:7, KJV). Our Lord’s words should remind us to ask and ask in faith, as the Apostle James…


The Rule of ’62

It becomes more readily apparent the longer I travel as an Anglican on the Christian Way, that we are indebted (or should be) to our ancestors. I hold no illusions about our Anglican forbears or even the Church Fathers being infallible, but they were wise. As we find ourselves traveling in times of uncertainties, illusions,…


An Open Letter to the College of Bishops

Dear Right Reverend Fathers in Christ, The creation of the Anglican Church in North America was a momentous event by our Lord Jesus Christ. He called and created a united body of His Church to address, rebuke, and refute the erroneous and heretical doctrines of the Episcopal Church and abroad. Our union constitutionally necessitated an…


To Save Us All From Satan’s Power

Dismay is a condition we are prone to dwell in during these dark and evil days. The world and its uncertainty would be the “usual culprit,” but more often than not, the source of our dismay is from inside the Church. It seems that entire church bodies from the Church of England, Roman Catholics, (Dis)United…


Stirring for Advent

The leaves have fallen and the air is finally crisp amidst the defiant, evergreen, Alabama pines. Advent is in the air. The chill as I walk through my neighborhood is a warm greeting within my soul. Walking the pavement of my street is a sort of beating of the bounds. My eyes assess the homes…


The Daily Grind

The alarm blares as I slide off the bed and somehow make it into the shower – nearly blind without my glasses and halfway sleep-walking with my eyes closed as I turn the shower on. My routine begins. It mirrors the daily lives of so many Anglicans across North America and beyond. Before anything gets…


And the Truth Shall Set You Free

Why Believe? A Reasoned Approach to Christianity. By Neil Shenvi. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2022. 272 pp. $19.99 (paper). “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31‒32 (ESV) We live in a world and an age where no…

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