Monthly Archives: August 2024


The Convergence on Vernacular Liturgy [Commentary on Browne: Article XXIV]

It is a matter of historical fact—invoked by the Article and observed by Browne—that the early church conducted its public prayers in tongues “understanded of the people”: Greek, Latin, and Syriac were languages spoken by the great bulk of the nations first converted to Christianity; and therefore the earliest liturgies and translations of the Scriptures…


A Parent’s Prayer

As I write, it is St. Augustine’s feast day. This saint perhaps has shaped Christian theology and orthodoxy more than any other since St. Paul. Yet many forget, omit, and outright never knew that yesterday was the feast day of his mother, Saint Monica. It’s poetic and appropriate that Augstine’s mother should precede him, for…


Book Review: “Saint Thomas and the Forbidden Birds”

Saint Thomas and the Forbidden Birds. By James Matthew Wilson. Grove Village, IL: Word on Fire, 2024. 128 pp. $24.99 (hardcover). The current state of poetry in our day is marked by its unanchored and erratic character. As an art form, poetry stands isolated like an unfamiliar relative at the family reunion. We do not…


An Elevator Pitch for “Reformed Catholicism”

In modern Christianity, Anglicanism is often misunderstood, even by its most devoted adherents. This is undoubtedly true for a variety of reasons, but the result is that we often do a pretty poor job of articulating the essence of Anglicanism, and that’s partly because it’s a trickier proposal to articulate than “we’re Catholic” or “we’re…


“Beatific Friendship” honoring Ron Dart

“Beatific Friendship” was originally printed as a chapter in The Scholar-Gipsy. Upon Dr. Ron Dart’s retirement in 2023 from a long teaching career at the University of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford BC, Canada, friends suggested doing a Festschrift in his honor — not uncommon for a retiring academic. Ron wanted something different though: a “Liber Amicorum”…


Book Review – “Deep Anglicanism”

Deep Anglicanism: A Brief Guide, 2nd edition. By Gerald R. McDermott. Nashotah, WI: Nashotah House Press, 2024. 400 pp. $15.49 (paper). In the ever-expanding market of introductory books on Anglicanism, it seems meet and right that Fr. Gerald McDermott, the retired Anglican Chair of Divinity at Beeson School of Divinity and the author of some…

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