Monthly Archives: May 2024


Book Review: The Word Made Flesh For Us

The Word Made Flesh for Us: A Treatise on Christology & the Sacraments from Hooker’s Laws. By Richard Hooker. Modernized & Edited by Brad Littlejohn and Patrick Timmis. Davenant Press, 2024. 125 pp. Paperback $19.95. It has often been observed that the Anglican tradition, unlike some of the other forms of Protestantism, was named for…


The Church in England: Independently Dependent

A History of the Church in England. By J. R. H. Moorman. New York: Morehouse Publishing, 1980. 512 pp. $29.95 (hardcover), $32.46 (paper). Bishop Moorman’s A History of the Church in England is a carefully exposited work detailing the Church within England, and not merely the Church of England. He avoids pious legends, like the…


Holy Orders in the ACNA: A Public Appeal to the College of Bishops of the ACNA

If you want to sign this appeal, please visit The Augustine Appeal. The Augustine Appeal As the College of Bishops prepares to elect a new Archbishop, we celebrate with gratitude the 15th anniversary of the Anglican Church in North America, recognizing the Province’s steadfast commitment to orthodox Anglicanism and gospel mission. While we are hopeful…


Till Death Do You Part: A Case for the Permanency and Indissolubility of Marriage

There may be no greater issue plaguing the church and impeding its witness today than its inconsistent and unclear teaching on the issue of divorce and remarriage. At first glance this might seem like an overstatement. However, if one considers the theological roots of this issue and how they branch out and underlie many other…


“The Witness of Beauty and Other Essays” on sale now!

It is with great joy that I am able to announce the publication of our own Book Review Editor James Clark’s book The Witness of Beauty and Other Essays from The North American Anglican Press! This project has been a labor of love on my part and I can’t express how excited I am to…


Fenestra Allegoriae: Allegory As A Window to Reality

Whenever we hear the word “allegorical” we tend to associate it with fanciful and wistful ideas separated from reality. We tend to think allegory must mean the literal words are now abstracted into some chaotic world where meaning becomes subjective and order is left behind. There is a valid criticism that much of what gets…


On the Veneration of Images [Commentary on Browne: Article XXII (3)]

It was previously shown in the commentary on general councils that the Second Council of Nicaea is often claimed by Anglo-Catholics to be ecumenical. On this basis, it is urged that Anglicans should embrace (or at least allow) the practice of venerating images as affirmed by that same council.[1] As we have seen, however, the…


Ruling, Reigning, Returning – Ascension Day

When Christ lives, dies, rises, and ascends, He does so for us, for you.  

Jesus never sheds His humanity. To this day, He is fully God and fully man. He is the only One who possesses the resurrected and renewed body awaiting the renewed creation. And by virtue of what He has accomplished for us, He brings humanity into the heavenly realm. He walks – yes physically walks – in the resurrected body in the heavenly realm. He walks into the heavenly temple, the true temple, and He brings Himself, the perfect sacrifice, into the true temple of God, not the temporary man-made temple.


J.C. Ryle on Assurance

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 ~ The Reformation’s predominant principle was grace. Paul’s emphasis on the importance of grace in salvation influenced Luther’s and Calvin’s…

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