Monthly Archives: January 2024


Blurb for “The Witness of Beauty”: Andrew Davison

“James Clark’s The Witness of Beauty demonstrates the notable capacity of the Anglican tradition to renew and enliven theological thinking in North America in the present day. Aware that he and I take opposite views on some of the topics that divide us within our tradition ‒ topics addressed in this volume ‒ his book…


Feb 2: “Continuing the Conversation” Candlemas Evensong + Mr. Micah Lovell

In light of a recent article calling for “Mere Localism” in conferences and events, we present an exciting opportunity for people in the Scranton area. This event is hosted by Grace Anglican Church located in Scranton, PA. RSVP on Facebook here for more information. About the speaker: Mr. Lovell has previously taught and served as…


Mere Localism

I love a good theological conference, and my favorite among those that I have attended through the years has been Mere Anglicanism, an annual (most years) gathering held in Charleston, South Carolina, each January. Mere Anglicanism was previously known as SEAD, which stood for either Scholarly Engagement With Anglican Doctrine or Society for Ecumenical Anglican…


An Open Letter to the College of Bishops

Dear Right Reverend Fathers in Christ, The creation of the Anglican Church in North America was a momentous event by our Lord Jesus Christ. He called and created a united body of His Church to address, rebuke, and refute the erroneous and heretical doctrines of the Episcopal Church and abroad. Our union constitutionally necessitated an…


Excerpt from “The Witness of Beauty and Other Essays” by James Clark

“By virtue of being a kind of natural knowledge of God, beauty can prepare non-Christians for the supernatural grace of Christ that is found in the Gospel. Granted, the same could be said for other kinds of natural knowledge, but I believe beauty is particularly suited to our age as a means of witness.”  …


An Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles – Article XXXVII (Part 2)

Section II. — The Supremacy of the Bishop of Rome. THIS is a most extensive subject, and of primary importance in the controversy between the Churches of Rome and England. For, if once the supreme authority of the Roman Patriarch is conceded, all other Roman doctrines seem to follow as of course. And so it…


Blurb for “The Witness of Beauty”: James Matthew Wilson

“The most important intellectual rediscovery in contemporary thought, however paradoxical it may sound, is the rediscovery of the classical and Christian understanding of the reality of beauty. As Hans Urs von Balthasar once argued, beauty is the precondition for truth, for goodness, for the very intelligibility of being. And yet, for centuries, our civilization has…


Can Two Walk Together, Except They Be Agreed?

Why Disinvite Calvin Robinson from ‘Mere Anglicanism’ 2024?   ere Anglicanism 2024 takes the prize for the best conference I have ever attended. The worship was sublime, and the speakers were both academically rigorous and engaging. As a Rector, it brought me much joy to have a sixth of my parishioners with me to journey…


Pilgrim’s Paradise: The Works of Robert Crouse

The late Anglican theologian Robert Crouse (1930–2011) may be one of Canada’s best kept secrets. An Anglican priest, teacher, contemplative—not to mention a musician and gardener—Crouse was an understated authority in patristic and medieval theology, especially the writings of Augustine and Dante. He wrote with a humble style that belied an extraordinary spiritual depth, calling…

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