Monthly Archives: November 2023


The Incoherency of Tragic Morality

Some commentators today assert that we must be prepared to do whatever is “necessary” to combat evil in the world.[1] Lest this be misconstrued as an uncontroversial exhortation to be courageous and resolute in resisting evil, it is further alleged that in this process we will often be forced to choose the lesser of two…


Book Review: “On Laudianism”

Review: Peter Lake, On Laudianism (Cambridge University Press, 2023) The nature of the Church of England is an existential question to many Anglicans who study its history. Thus it’s often necessary to take an anatomical approach to formative periods that are often shrouded in pious myth and sentiment. Laudianism is no different, which has suffered…


An Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles – Article XXXII

Article XXXII. Of the Marriage of Priests. BISHOPS, Priests, and Deacons, are not commanded by God’s Law, either to vow the estate of single life, or to abstain from marriage: therefore it is lawful for them, as for all other Christian men, to marry at their own discretion, as they shall judge the same to…



Asleep, awake. There is the duck, there is the drake. Along, alone. This is an egg, that is a stone. Behind, before. There is the wall, there is the door. Before, behind. There are the knocks on the hard mind. Alone, along. That is a lie, this is a song. Awake, asleep. Here are the…

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