Monthly Archives: September 2023


Prayer-Beads to Saint Kyneburgha

1. It is within your sacred atrium I would contemplate, know at-one-ment with sculptured, feminine forma: an Annunciation carved for the artist’s wife, Clare, who is figure-double of the Virgin Annunciate; & this Lamentation Lady suckling her Christ-child; both marvellous. And if the stone be immaculate, then here we have proof, we who are witness-…


The Complete Gospel for The Age of Exclusive Secularism

The following is The Presiding Bishop’s Exhortation first delivered at The 57th General Council of the Reformed Episcopal Church on June 7, 2023 *** The great 16th century German monk and reformer, Martin Luther, once stated the following: If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest expression every portion of the truth of God…


The Fate of the Heathen [Commentary on Browne: Article XVIII]

Browne’s treatment of Article XVIII—focused as it is on showing that baptism is necessary for salvation—is unusual compared to many other commentaries on the Articles. It is, however, in keeping with his prior advocacy of ecclesiastical election: if we are saved by “only the name of Jesus Christ,” as the Article says, and if those…


Methodists At 180 Feet Below: A Short Reflection On Showmanship

It might be factious to say that America’s great contribution to Christianity is showmanship, but maybe it’s not. It says a lot that the first original religious movement in America is arguably the Methodist movement. Methodism certainly is not a religion founded on a desperate need for entertainment, but it was founded to fulfill an…


Anglican Family Prayer and Catechism

Today we’re answering a listener question on how to do traditional Anglican prayers as a family. “One of the dirty little secrets of Anglican family prayer and catechism is that none of us thinks we’re doing all that we should be doing.” ~Fr. Isaac Rehberg  Notes: ⁠A Faith for Generations: A Family Prayer Guide in…


Faithful to the Calling: An Interview with Artist, Sean Oswald

Sean Oswald started drawing when he was three years old. He kept a black, nylon easel under the bunk bed. His work brings beauty to light, in portraits and landscapes of real people and places. “I felt called to it [being an artist] from a very young age,” he said. His parents took him to…


The Third, the Youngest Son in Fairy Tales

His soul a glacial lake of deep humility, The third will sacrifice his only mite of bread When roadside witches beg, for he’s agreeable And no encounter mars his cool tranquility Or makes him lose all faith and wish that he were dead— Not talking wolf or other unforeseeable And fabulous inhabitant of fairy tales,…


Trueman and the Reality of the Inner Life

In his books, The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self and Strange New World, Dr. Carl Trueman presents a compelling intellectual history of contemporary identity politics. From Rousseau to Marx to Judith Butler, Trueman outlines how the evolution of “the notion of the self” gave life to expressive individualism, the sexual revolution, and our…


Final Perseverance and the Thirty-nine Articles [Commentary on Browne: Article XVI (2)]

The self-evident focus of Article XVI is the possibility of repenting from post-baptismal sin and, to an extent, the nature of “sin against the Holy Ghost.” Yet it is in the context of this Article, rather than Article XVII (“Of Predestination and Election”), that Browne chooses to discuss extensively the doctrine of final perseverance: The…

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