Monthly Archives: May 2023


Freude: On Hearing Beethoven’s 9th Symphony after a Two-Year Pandemic Delay

The master couldn’t hear his work, but here we are listening together— where the flowing waters meet— to Beethoven’s final symphony. The contrasts and crescendos at times too much: a smile releases the mind’s discomfiture. The trumpet player drinks some water, waiting for his chance, the ringing choir is a morose tribunal peering down on…


Pilgrimages, Relics, & the American Church

“I think that pilgrimages may be well done, I never said otherwise; but I have said often and now I will say again ‘do your duty and then your devotion.’” –Rev. Dr. Edward Crome, English Reformer “Epiphanius being yet alive did work miracles, and that after his death devils, being expelled at his grave or…


Book Review: “As It Is in Heaven”

As It Is in Heaven: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Introduction to the Traditional Church and Her Worship. By Fr. Paul A.F. Castellano. Tucson, AZ: Wheatmark, 2021. 300 pp. $19.95 (paper). The author Paul A. F. Castellano (MAR, MA, ThM, PhD) is an Anglican priest who lives with his family in Southern California. His years…


Book Review: “Reformation Anglicanism: Essays on Edwardian Evangelicalism”

Reformation Anglicanism: Essays on Edwardian Evangelicalism. Edited by Mark Earngey and Stephen Tong. London, UK: The Latimer Trust, 2023. 260 pp. $11.50 (paper). In some ways, and for some people, the Edwardian period of the English Reformation is fertile ground for speculations about what could have been. Edward VI died in 1553 at the young…


Polemical Canon Fodder [Commentary on Browne: Article VI (1)]

When Protestants declare that the Bible is their highest authority, a typical rejoinder from Roman Catholics is, “And where did the Bible come from?” The implication is that the Bible was canonized by the (Roman) Catholic Church, thereby indicating that the Church’s authority is even higher than that of the Bible. This way of thinking…



Your words, six hundred years old, fill our minds: my brother’s keeper and let there be light, it came to pass and seek and ye shall find, plain-put so in faith we’ll fight the good fight. What’s that you said? The boy who drives the plow should know more of the scriptures than a priest?…


Redeeming Monasticism for Modern Protestants

One of the most remarkable institutions to develop in the Middle Ages was Monasticism. After the Edict of Milan issued by Constantine in 314 A.D., Christianity was recognized as a legal religion in the Roman Empire. By 380 A.D., Christianity became the official religion of the empire due to the Edict of Thessalonica issued by…


Book Review: “Give Us This Day Devotionals, Volume 4: John”

Give Us This Day Devotionals, Volume 4: John. By Charles Erlandson. Eugene, OR: Resource Publications, 2022. 266 pp. $37 (cloth), $27 (paper). As the Word of God, the Bible is an inexhaustible fount of life in which are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. But we Christians, dull of mind and sleepy in…

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