Monthly Archives: April 2023


The Nature and Purpose of Christ’s Descent into Hell [Commentary on Browne: Article III (2)]

As discussed previously, Browne argues that “Hell” in Article III should be understood as “Hades,” the place of departed spirits, and does not refer to “Gehenna,” the realm of damned souls. However, even simply stating that Christ entered Hades broadly rather than Gehenna specifically is not uncontroversial. Browne notes that Calvin argued Christ’s descent into…


The Biblical Timeline of Life after Death [Commentary on Browne: Article III (1)]

The popular conception of life after death—inasmuch as the idea is still entertained by the average person—undoubtedly draws on Christianity, but in a muddled fashion. Confusion on the subject is so pervasive that even professing Christians are liable to use terms such as “Heaven” and “Hell” in ways that do not conform to biblical teaching….


Book Review: “Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years”

Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years. By Diarmaid MacCulloch. London, England: Penguin Books, 2009. 1184 pp. $32.00 (paper). The average Christian immediately interjects, “Wait, Christianity is not 3,000 years old.” Where does this story start? Clearly, Diarmaid MacCulloch intends to lay some groundwork for what Christians know and practice in the present day. This impressive…


Video: “Re-formed Catholic Anglicanism” at the AWI Summer Conference

 Recently, I had the pleasure of interviewing the plenary speakers of the upcoming Anglican Way Institute – Summer conference. This year’s conference theme is “Re-Formed Catholic Anglicanism” and I was able to get a sneak preview of each of the plenary sessions from the speakers themselves. I hope you enjoy the interview and will…

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