Monthly Archives: January 2023


Book Review: “An Archbishop of the Reformation”

An Archbishop of the Reformation: Laurentius Petri Nericius, Archbishop of Uppsala, 1531-73. A Study of His Liturgical Projects. By The Rev. Dr. Eric E. Yelverton. London: The Epworth Press, 1958. xxi + 153 pp. Introduction It is quite unusual to review a book that is long out of print; however, books from previous generations help…


West Nickle Mines School Shooting

Man enters classroom, opens fire; Five Amish girls will die today— Doves take flight from schoolhouse spire. Two daughters cast upon the pyre Their lives in hope it might allay The man with gun who opens fire. While outside, as police conspire— the press reports, the parents pray; Doves will cry, hearts expire. Word travels…


Why Women’s Ordination Cannot be Tolerated

Introduction The error of women’s ordination has stalked, cursed, and haunted Anglicanism for nearly half a century and no matter where we go or what efforts we make to correct our wrongs, we cannot seem to fully rid ourselves of it. For many conservative Anglicans, women’s ordination is like the relative you cannot stand but…


Exchanging Two Swords for Two Kingdoms

Reforming the Bright Ages   Social historian R.W. Southern defined the Middle Ages as “the period in Western European history when the church could reasonably claim to be the one true state, and when men acted on the assumption that the church had an overriding political authority.”[1] For most moderns, the Middle Ages provide a…


The Meaning of “Deadly Sin” in the Anglican Formularies

If you turn to the Litany of any American Book of Common Prayer, you will find among the deprecations (prayers for deliverance) the following: From all inordinate and sinful affections; and from all the deceits of the world, the flesh, and the devil, Good Lord, deliver us.[1] The corresponding deprecation in the English Book of…


The Collar

pulls my poverty in among the poor, tugs my stiff-necked affluence toward Jesus understudies, breathing icons I’m priest-inclined to pass on the street.


Anglican Political Theology

James Clark recently reviewed The Case for Christian Nationalism at The North American Anglican. He rightly noted that “contemporary effort to formulate an alternative political vision to liberal democracy has been underway for some time now” and that “much of the constructive literature thus far has been produced by Roman Catholics, with little comparable work…


Bishop William White: Anglican Patriot

Piety, Freedom, and the American Revolution in the Ecclesiology of Bishop William White Often, for American Anglicans, there is an awkward disjuncture between their faith and history. Despite the fact that the Episcopal Church has had a strong presence in American history, the rationale to become or remain an Anglican has increasingly evaporated. Often the…


United in Orthodox Anglicanism: An Agreed Statement

United in Orthodox Anglicanism In the Anglican household of faith there exists profound agreement across evangelical and catholic lines. Likewise, Anglican Compass and The North American Anglican enjoy agreement of purpose according to our specific vocations. We the leaders of these respective ministries seek to provide a trustworthy resource for orthodox Anglicans, to remain faithful…


After Belatedly Watching the Ken Burns Vietnam War Documentary

                   Behold, I make all things new. —Revelation 21:5 Already past the middle of July, The summer I left for college, said goodbye— For weeks, not months or years, eternity— To the girl I loved, still love, I’ll always love; All summer, Vietnam, the nightly news, Men…

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