Monthly Archives: October 2022


Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles – Article XXII (Part 2)

Section II. — Scriptural Proof. I. 1. Purgatory On this subject, and indeed on all the subjects of this Article, the burden of proof evidently lies with those who maintain the affirmative side of the question. If there be a purgatory, and if saints and images be objects of adoration, there should be some evidence…


Class of ’22

I found a vale of spring at summer’s end Before the trees had changed their green to gold. I plucked the fruit of fall and hiked the path To watch the harvest fire in the cold, To see your faces flicker with the flame Of youth that takes no thought of growing old. I loved…


Book Review: “How the English Reformation was Named”

How the English Reformation was Named: The Politics of History, 1400-1700. By Benjamin M. Guyer. New York: Oxford University Press, 2022. 240 pp. $85 (cloth). In common parlance, “the Reformation” is conceived as a unified phenomenon, the various national manifestations of which can all be causally traced to the original German reformation spearheaded by Martin…


J.C. Ryle on the 39 Articles of Religion (Part 7)

From Knots Untied, here is a brief appeal by Ryle to teach the Thirty-Nine Articles in Anglican churches: (2) In the second place, I ask all who read this paper to teach the Thirty-nine Articles to all young people who are yet of an age to be taught. It is a burning shame that the Articles are not made an…

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