Monthly Archives: February 2022

Book Review: “Take This Cup”

Take This Cup: How God Transforms Suffering into Glory and Joy. By Charles Erlandson. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2020. 216 pp. $46 (cloth); $26 (paper). Theodicy is a subject that writers, theologians, and even comedians have tried tackling. Every religion and thought system on some level attempts to explain human suffering. Oftentimes these discussions,…


Retro Book Review: The Returns of Love, Part II

Today we continue examining The Returns of Love, a forgotten but noteworthy anonymous chronicle of homosexual temptation in Christian perspective. In Part I, I put this fifty-year-old work in historical context and introduced its unique authorial voice, which defies simplistic contemporary categorization. Through the literary device of “letters” to a best friend, we are quickly…


How Far Can You Stretch It?

In this case, “How far, etc…?” is being asked about the English Reformation, and its formularies. The reason it is being asked is to try and give shape to the concept of ‘Confessional Anglicanism’ – an idea which has been batted around a lot over the last five years. Unfortunately, much of the discussion has…


Has ACNA gone Lutheran on the Supper?

For Master David and brother Chris, in grateful memory of our many “Summits.”   On January 29th, Archbishop Foley Beach (ACNA) welcomed +Jānis Vanags, Archbishop of Riga and Primate of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia, for fraternal conversations at the Cathedral of the Holy Communion in Dallas. Though details from their meetings are yet…


Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles – Article IV

Article IV. Of the Resurrection of Christ. CHRIST did truly rise again from death, and took again His body, with flesh, bones, and all things appertaining to the perfection of man’s nature, wherewith He ascended into Heaven, and there sitteth, until He return to judge all men at the last day. De Resurrectione Christi. CHRISTUS…

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