Daily Archives: June 16, 2020

Book Review: The Senses and the English Reformation by Matthew Milner

The study of the senses and the English Reformation is one of the most creative historiographical interjections on the Reformation in England in recent years. Matthew Milner’s work is the first substantive treatment of the senses (sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste) in the English Reformation, which is surprising, as the historiography of the senses…

Red Trillium

Sanguine clot on an altar of white,singular or sparse clustered, drippedas from a painter’s brush, smudgedblood print against a vernal shroud, tripartite leafed, yellow exclamations hold its center.Wakerobin, birth-ease, red eye amidstthe common trillium, by what mythis your incongruity clarified or entered but by a woman conjured to a fleeing doe,a hunter’s arrow in her…

(c) 2025 North American Anglican
