Monthly Archives: December 2019

Grey Stone

From youth this cool, grey stone enchanted me, Its beauty one with its simplicity: The Archer of Aphaia poised to strike, Or mighty Neptune with his triple spike, The pointed arches of the Notre-Dame, Ascending heavenward with perfect calm: Their colors were but subtlety and shade, Nor garish nor flamboyant, rather made of naught but…


George Wheler’s ‘Protestant Monastery’ and Olde England

I want to bring a text to our readers’ attention that will undoubtedly seem obscure, especially to those not already familiar with the sort of domestic piety, usually done in accordance with The Book of Common Prayer, that is found among the great (and even lesser so) English houses of the seventeenth century and onward….


The Protestant Monastery by George Wheler

GLORY BE TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST AND ON EARTH PEACE GOOD WILL TOWARDS MEN. TO THE Devout Perusers Of the following TREATISE Dear Friends, Christian Brethren, and Fellow Servants: I hope this my design and desire in publishing this small book, being to promote the glory of God among you, will not be unacceptable…


Ministers, Be Prepared

St. Paul commended Timothy to always preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Timothy was discipled by his master to constantly and vigilantly be prepared to teach the Word of God regardless the season, the circumstance, and the adversity.


On asking the philosophers,  What is the sun?, we get in answer, An angel perched; a heap of furze Some god has set ablaze; a burning   Iron that melts from sword to plow To spearhead with the seasons’ turning. And some wise soul guffaws at them   Or, condescending, calls it “poetry” To disbelieve…

Infant Baptism in the Anglican Formularies

The reformed liturgy for baptism in the 1549 Prayer Book includes a biblical justification for the baptism of infants, Mark 10:13-16: At a certayne tyme they brought children to Christe that he should touche them, and hys disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus sawe it, he was displeased, and sayed unto them:…

Sartre’s Funeral

 Paris, 19 April 1980 Immense, the crowds that line the cortege route Pay homage now to him that set them free, Emancipated from Church piety. Delivered from the bonds of creed, they doubt,  Just as he taught them, urging them to flout God’s pleasure-killing laws of chastity. Hands stretch to touch the hearse; eyes strain…

The Gospel in the Prayer Book

This piece is reproduced with the permission of J.I. Packer. The Gospel in the Liturgy Do we value the Prayer Book enough? Do we appreciate its real quality? Do we make the best use of it? Certainly, the Prayer Book does not play in the lives of the present-day churchmen anything like the part it…

(c) 2024 North American Anglican
