Monthly Archives: December 2015



The dove surveyed the vast expanse of sea, Yet found no branch on which to rest her feet. The world lay dead, covered in water thoroughly, Until God’s solemn judgment was complete. Then she, by bringing back one olive leaf, Preached grace and mercy as the floods withdrew. At God’s word, Noah stepped out in…


The 39 Articles Project – Article 1

There is but one living and true God, everlasting, without body, parts, or passions; of infinite power, wisdom, and goodness; the Maker, and Preserver of all things both visible and invisible. And in unity of this Godhead there be three Persons, of one substance, power, and eternity; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost….


GAFCON — Through the Eyes of a Bishop’s Wife

The Lord’s hand was at work in a very powerful way as I watched the plans of the Lord unfold for GAFCON.  I saw up close several of those who had been asked to be on the planning committee. I saw the Lord work through His people. Many moved to prayer and others used to…


Lambeth 2008 – A Retrospect

How will Anglican History view the 2008 Lambeth Conference? Too early to tell, but Rowan Williams stamped his personality and will clearly on every aspect of it. He gave five addresses at the opening retreat. He gave a welcoming address, three presidential addresses, closing the conference with one in which he articulated an agenda for…

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