Monthly Archives: July 2012


Branded or Baptized?

From the outside, liturgical churches often seem out of touch.  With the world filled with terrorists, the stock market plunging, the future uncertain, liturgical churches spend time perfecting their prayer books, revising their rubrics, honing their hymnals, and solving arcane sacramental puzzles.  Even from the inside, this often seems a waste of precious energy.  Who…


Called to Catechize

The quickest way to introduce what I hope to get across in this article is to explain how I came to want to write it. So, with advance apologies for my narcissistic natter, here goes. It seems to me that there never was a time when I did not want to teach, or know how…


Why Anglicans Matter to the Rest of Us

In the brief and troubled reign of James II, an event took place that illustrates how connected Anglicans and non-Anglicans can sometimes be. James the Second was a fervent supporter of the interests of Rome, and during his reign—in the memorable phrase of J.C. Ryle—“traitors were hatched in the sunshine of corruption.” James had begun…


Preface to the Bible

FOR two sundry sorts of people, it seems very necessary that something be said in the entry of this book, by the way of preface or prologue; whereby hereafter it may be both the better accepted of those who hitherto could not well bear it, and also the better used of those who heretofore have…


An Anglican Future without Canterbury and Lambeth?

There is an old fable of the scorpion and the frog. The scorpion wanted to cross the river and asked the frog if he would carry him on his back to get across to the other side. The frog replied that if he tried to help him, the scorpion would surely try to kill him….

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